Sunday, May 31, 2015

WFB Battle Report: 1500 Wood Elves Vs Vampire Count


My third battle report this time against an Vampire Count army. My army list was the same as last time:

Spellweaver lvl4 Death; Dispel Scroll, Obsidian Trinket, Elven Steed

Glade Captain; BSB, Hail of Doom Arrow

15 Eternal Guard Full Command
12 Glade Guard; Trueflight Arrows;

6 Deepwood Scouts; Hagbane Tips
5 Wardancers
5 Sisters of the Thorn; Banner of Eternal Flame
5Wild Riders

5 Waywatchers
5 Waywatchers
Great Eagle

And his list was something like:

3 lv2 Necromancer
2 15 Skeletons units
2 20 Zombies units
5 Dire Wolf
5 Hexwraith
Corpse Cart
20 Ghouls
6 Crypts Horrors


As you can see, his strategy was to bunker everything and bring more zombies to the party. My strategy was to just try to assasinate the General, win a few point and avoid the big blocks.

Turn 1 Wood Elves:

Movement: Move up my EG (i figure he will try to come fast to me and I wanted my EG to slow down the Crypts Horrors), move up my sisters in the forest for the nice +1 to cast on my mage and also the WR a little. At the beginning, I was thinking to try and charge the Ghouls and overun in the Corps Cart but the way he deploy forbid me to do so.
Magic: The Hexwraith are now -1 S and T and he dispel everything else (he used his dispel scroll)
Shooting: I focus my shooting on the only thing I am scared of (no CC magic weapon in this army) the Hexwraith killing them all and wounding a little the Crypts Horrors
Combat: Nothing

Turn 1 Vampire Count:

Movement: He moves everything up 4" exept the woolf going way up in front of my GG.
Magic: I keep my dice for the curse, but its out of range (18"), so he bring a lot of zombies up and a new unit on the flank.
Shooting: None
Combat: Nothing

Turn 2 Wood Elves:

Movement: Don't pay attention on the Vampire Count arrow, I don't know why they appear. I start to move up my eagle on the flank, my GG to be in range of the Corps Cart because it scars me! One unit of WW goes up the flank and my WR just moves a little bit.
Magic: I failed to cast
Shooting: I put 3 wounds with all my shooting the Corpse Cart, that's mean he will be able to regenerate it next turn.
Combat: Nothing

Turn 2 Vampire Count:

Movement: Again, moves up 4" and turn his zombies on the left giving me some space to put my sisters. Wolf doesn't charge the GG (why? :roll: )
Magic: He regenrate the corpse cart and give his unit the CC buff.
Shooting: None
Combat: Nothing

Turn 3 Wood Elves:

Movement: I start to move my WR on the flank, seeing that he doesn't really care about them. My sisters find an hole in his line. Eagle fly to the back.
Magic: I succed to snipe his general by doing a IF and killing 1 sister. By doing this, his wolf, putting a wound on the Corpse Cart and all the other unit rolling good ld test. And I think, I also do -1 S and T on the Corpse Cart.
Shooting: I finish the Corpse Cart and Kill a few Ghouls
Combat: Nothing

Turn 3 Vampire:

Movement: He moves up the front of his line and reform a unit of skeletons to go after my sisters. I advise him to not do that but he didn't wanted to listen to me.
Magic: Nothing big, he brings back the ghouls to full force.
Shooting: None
Combat: Nothing

Turn 4 Wood Elves:

Movement: I just move my sister out of the way, my WR get ready for a flank charge, my EG are in the forest waiting for the charge of the Crypts Horrors. And my WD reform in a line ready to charge the front of the ghouls if needed.
Magic: I IF 3 the bubble -1 S and T, but I kill only 1 sister and my caster stay, I also snipe a Crypt Horror
Shooting: I focus my shooting on the ghouls. I drop them to 7 I beleive, with HoDA, GG, Poisoned and WW.
Combat Nothing

Turn 4 Vampire Count:

Movement: He continues to move up, reform his Skeletons unit
Magic: I decide to just shut his magic phase using my dispel scroll. He just succed to cast one spell which brings back a few ghouls
Shooting: None
Combat: Nothign

Turn 5 Wood Elves:

Movement: I see my moment, it's time for the WR to shine a little! They charge the ghouls in the flank. My EG charge the crypts horrors in front and the Eagle goes in the flank for combat res. My sisters shuffle around
Magic: I cast the bubble -1 S and T, all his units are in!
Shooting: I have not a lot of target and I focus my shooting in the right unit of skeletons
Combat: WR kills a lot of Ghouls, they kill one WR and they overun in the flank off th Crypts Horrors. They are now T4 and S3, and they just die living one alive that kill one elf. Small problem, I cant overun with my unit and I just give him a flank charge on the WR

Turn 5 Vampire Count:

Movement: He charge the flank of my WR and just reform his unit of skeleton
Magic: A new unit just rise on the side of the EG
Shooting: None
Combat: I am in contact with his necromencer (not the new general) and just put all my attack on him and kill him. He kills a WR, wins but I stay.

Turn 6 Wood Elves:

Movement: I charge my eagle on the flank of the zomby horde, and my EG and WD (with the BSB) goes to help the WR.
Magic: I snipe his new "general" and last necromencer.
Shooting: Not a lot to shoot at
Combat: He kills my BSB! I just did a mistake again. I could avoide that :cry: . But the unit crumble

Turn 6 Vampire Count:

Nothing important happen.

Win for the Asrai. I think I didn't do to much mistake in this game, but I was lucky. I don't think his startegy can work against my list because:
1) I can avoid him
2) I can snipe his caractere
3) I can shoot everything that doesn't have much Wounds

Next time, he is going to be more agressive and bring the fight to me. He also plan on spreding is line to prevent me from going in his back. As for my list, I am very happy with it, I really enjoy playing with it.

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