Wednesday, May 27, 2015

WFB Battle Report: 1500 Wood ELves Vs Beastmen


 This was a game I played in December 2014 against Beastmen in GW Shanghai. I use this Battle Report as a test for my new blog.

My list was:

Spellweaver (dark): Fencer blades, Talisman of Preservation, Ironcurse. 305pts
- Glade Captain: Spear, shield, steed, HoDA and Trueflight (I had 3 points to spare). 147pts
- Eternal Guard x20: full command, Shield. 270pts
- Glade Guard x10: musucian, Trueflight. 160 pts
- Scouts x8: hangbane 128pts
- Sister of the Thorn x5: banner of eternel flame. 150pts
- Wild Rides x5: shield, Standart. 150 pts
- Great Eagle: 50 pts
- Waywatchers x7. 140pts

His list from memory:

Shaman Lv 3 (nurgle) 
BSB (nurgle) 
Gorebull (nurgle)
20 Gors with Extra Hand weapon (nurgle) 
4 groups of 5 Khorn Ungor Raiders (2 ambush)
5 Dogs
10 Ungors 
3 Minotaurs (nurgle) 
1 Jaber

The spells are: Shaman: Wysan, Spear and another one I don't remember
Weaver: Doombolt, Bladewind, Word of Pain and Cillwind Sister: Curse of Aneaheir, Shield of Thorns


I deployed in the middle with all my vangard troups and move everything to the right. Bevause he spread out, my plan was to take care of units one by one.

Turn 1 Wood Elves:


Movement: Nothing really move, I just make sure I am at 24" with my caster 
Magic: Only one spell goes off killing 2 Gors 
Shooting: I focus fire on the Gors units killing 8, making is scary units not scary anymore. The GG fired at the skirmisher killing 2. 
Combat: Nothing

Turn 1 Beastment:


Movement: He moves everything forward, fly to make the Jab make me pass leadership test.
Magic: Wisan on is Gors unit
Shooting: The Jab kill a WR
Combat: Is two ambush units arrived on my side

Turn 2 Wood Elves:


Movement: I charge the WR into the Jab (mistake), turn the sisters and GG to face the 2 units that just arrived. Move the Eagle in safety because he is useless right now. 
Magic: Cast the Curse on the Gors unit 
Shooting: Continue to shoot at the Gors killing 5, 3 Ambushers dies from the GG 
Combat: I forgot about the rules that, I do a wound to him, I take a Str 5 hit. I do a few wounds to him, he kill 3 WR but I still win the fight (thanks to the banner), he flee and I catch him

Turn 2 Beastmen:


Movement: Continue to come straight forward, expet with his Gors. His 2 ambusher units charge my GG, killing a few with the stand and shoot. 
Magic: I think he kill a Scouts with the Spear 
Shooting: He kill the remaining WR 
Combat: I kill 2 Ungors, he kill 3 but I am steedfast

Turn 3 Wood Elves:



Movement: My sisters foes on the flank of the dogs thinking they are safe from the Minotaurs, WW just move in position to shoot something. Scouts goes to the flank of the gors with my caster and eagle follow them 
Magic: Nothing happen 
Shooting: I kill 3 Gors and put 2 wounds on his caster (leaving only is BSB, theunit standart and the shaman alive), HoDA kill one minotaur, and the WW kill 3 dogs (only target without hard cover) making them flee (thats bad for me). 
Combat: He kills a few GG, I kill a few Ungors, I loose, I flee and he catchs me.

Turn 3 Beastmen:



Movement: He put is BSB and Shaman with the ungors inside the building (normaly he can't because of the mark, I just remember that.) Because the dogs are fleeing, he can charge my sisters with is minautors (Stand and Shoot put a wound on a minotaur). Dogs keep fleeing. 
Magic: the Spear kill the Eagle 
Shooting: Nothing really important happen 
Combat: I kill a minotaur and put a wound on his Gorebull. He kills 3 sisters and put a wound on my BSB. I win by one, thanks to the BSB and Banner, he flee, and I catch him (I was so lucky !)

Turn 4 Wood Elves:


Movement: EG charge the building, sister try to goes after the lonely standart bearer, and WW goes back into the forest for some cover. 
Magic: I pass the boosted Word of Pain and for -3. 
Shooting: Killing a few ambushers and not able to kill the last Gor 
Combat: He has mark of nurgle with his caractere, he challenge with his Shaman. I finish the ambushers, but I was unable to put the last wound through to his shaman, and I did nothing to his BSB. I win but he stay.

Turn 4 Beastmen:


Movement: He charges the 2 ambushers units in the WW, I killed a few with stand and shoot. He move his last gor around and he rally the dogs. 
Magic: Nothing happen 
Shooting: Nothing 
Combat: I kill all the ambushers that just charge me.

Turn 5 Wood Elves:



Movement: I charge the building again. I put my WW back a little to shoot the ungors, and my BSB goes alone to try to block the last gor with the help of the sisters. 
Magic: Nothing happen 
Shooting: I kill the last Gor and a few Ungors 
Combat: He kills a few EG, I do nothing to him

Turn 5 Beastmen:


Movement: He charges the dogs into the sisters flank, and the Ungors into the WW. 
Magic: The Spear kill my BSB, I hate this spell. 
Shooting: Nothing 
Combat: The dogs do nothing, I do nothing. He wins but I stay and I reform. The WW just annihilates the Ungors

Turn 6 Wood ELves:


Movement: Nothing, I decid to not charge the building and put all my magic missile and shooting in the building 
Magic: Nothing happen (only 3 dices) 
Shooting: Nothing happen (I hate my dice this turn) 
Combat: I kill a dog, he kill a sister but I win thanks to the standart (I dont remember if I run him down or I kill the last dog during his turn)

Turn 6 Beastmen: 


His last turn, he did nothing, not even try to cast a spell.  

A win for the Wood Elves. He lost everything exept his BSB and Shaman (sitting on 1 wound). I lost my BSB, Eagle and the GG. I feel that my list is missing something thats why I decided to stop playing with the Dark Magic lore and try Death. After this game, I played against a O&G player with 3 gob shaman and 1 Savage Shaman. I had nothing to take them out, same with this game. His 2 caractere was hard to hit. I think Death can help my list a lot. Sniping caractere is good, but -1T and S help my shooting and the -3 Ld is great. With enough shooting, I can force Ld Test. I feel this lore will help greatly. 

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