Sunday, May 31, 2015

WFB Battle Report: 1500 Wood Elves Vs Empire


New second battle report this time against an Empire army. My army list was:

Spellweaver lvl4 Death: Dispel Scroll, Obsidian Trinket, Elven Steed
Glade Captain: BSB, Hail of Doom Arrow

15 Eternal Guard: Full Command
12 Glade Guard: Trueflight Arrows;

6 Deepwood Scouts: Hagbane Tips
5 Wardancers 
5 Sisters of the Thorn: Banner of Eternal Flame
5 Wild Riders 

5 Waywatchers 
5 Waywatchers 
Great Eagle 

And his list was something like this:

Lv4 Life mage
Lv2 Fire mage
Wich Hunter

28 Halberdier
10  Crossbowmen Detachment

10 Halberdier detachment

10 Huntsmen
3 Demigryph

My Spells: Spirit Leach, The Caress of Laniph, Soulblight, Doom and Darkness, The Curse of Anraheir, Throne of Vines
His Spells: Don't remember


This is after vanguard. I start to deploy all my vanguard in the middle and move them to the right flank. Nothing special, I put all my shooting in front of his to clean that first, the Dancers on the right of my EG to just jump and kill a caractere or be used as speed bump. The forest in front of my EG is a Venon. I also did my first mistake (first in a long series of mistakes during this game) during the deployement, I put my BSB inside the GG, thats mean, no use of the HoDA first turn.

He deploys is Lv2 and Wich hunter in the huntsmen unit. The Lvl 4 and the BSB goes in the main Halberdier unit. Engineer with the Helblaster

Wood Elves Turn 1:

Movement: The right flank moves up a little,; thge left flank just stay in position. Another mistake, my mage is not inside the forest but one of the sister is. Thats mean, no +5 to cast.
Magic: He has no Ward Save on his caractere and he got scared, burning is dispel scroll first turn but, I succed to cast Doom on his main units (another mistake, maybe???)
Shooting: I shoot everything at the Huntsmen to get ride of the mage killing 8 and the succed the panic test (I should have cast on them Doom, maybe??)
Combat: Nothing

Empire Turn 1:

Movement: He moves all his units up, exept his shooting. His Lvl2 mage goes inside the crossbomen and the wich hunter goes inside the main unit. Something that surprise me, he didn't move his helblaster, I was really happy.
Magic: He dispel Doom and try to cast something but I dispel. At least, he was not able to cast because of Doom, so was it a mistake or no?
Shooting: Crossbomen shoot one WW
Combat: Nothing

Wood Elves Turn 2:

Movement: I move the Eagle up to try to redirect the Demigryph and I put the WR to counter charge later. My bunker moves back and my WarDancers goes up (they reform with a front rank of 3, didn't show up in the picture)
Magic: He dispel Doom, Spirit Leach goes off on his BSB but I rolled a 1. And I fail to cast something ending my magic phase. Sisters didn't succed to cast
Shooting: Kill 7 Crossbowmen, and 2 halberdier.
Combat: Nothing

Empire Turn 2:

Movement: Surprise 1, Demigryph doesn't move and are starring at the eagle, surprise 2, all his shooting units moves up and the lvl 2 goes into the Huntsmen again. Other units just moves up.
Magic: Nothing really happen
Shooting: Nothing
Combat: Nothing

Wood ELves Turn 3:

Movement: Thats were I did a big mistake. I charge the WarDancers to kill his mage lvl4. Means, better chance for me to snipe the BSB after. I moves the Sister up to put my mage at 12 inch away from his BSB (stupid move, he is in combat, can't cast at him) and my WR behind them to be able to charge any unit I want my next turn.
Magic: I can't cast at his BSB so I spirit leach his Helblaster
Shooting: Kill mage Lvl2, huntsmen, crossbowmen and engineer just sit in the forest alone.
Combat: I know I will loose the Wardancers and I have no problem with that. They do their job by killing blow the mage lvl4 (he was not in the corner, I had 8 attacks with killing blow). At this moment, I am so happy, 75pts unit just killed a general lvl4 making my magic phase stronger to kill others caracteres. Now, he wins and reform! And I feel so stupid, I didn't saw that! Now it's his turn and he is like 2 Inches away from my lvl4 and my sisters. Big mistake!!!!

Empire Turn 3:

Movement: He charges my mage unit (I am crying inside), and he reform all his unit to be facing this combat.
Magic: Nothing
Shooting: Nothing
Combat: He kills 4 Sisters, and do one wound on the mage. I have the the Standart and the mage left, I flee killing the standart. I roll my dice (3 dices) and I rolled a 4!!! He rolled a 5!!! I feel so bad at this moment, the game was mine and I did such a stupid mistake! But it's not finish, because he contact the WR. Now the picture is not accurate but because of the Swordsmen, he impact with only is BSB and another guy touching, making only 2 WR fighting.

Wood Elves Turn 4:

Movement: I lost a lot of point and he will get my WR (that's what I think) so I decide to take the points were I can. I move up with everything to gat a better line of sight of all his army.
Magic: Nothing left
Shooting: I shoot everything at the Swordsmen (even the HoDA), leaving 7 alive. He flee and he fails 2 dangerous terrain. Leaving 5 alive, just 25% of his unit. I will have to shoot at him again. The engineer died (don't remeber if it's this turn or last turn)
Combat: I put all my attack at the BSB, killing him and he kills 2 WR. I lose by a lot and flee not failling any dangerous terrain test.

Empire Turn 4:

Movement: He reforms his DemiGryph to face the fleeing WR. He moves up the Halberdier. The swordsmen doesn't rally. And he just shuffle around with his Detachment.
Magic: Nothing left
Shooting: Nothing Left
Combat: Nothing

Wood Elves Turn 5:

Movement: I just listen to my friend (big mistake again) and I charge the eagle in the flank of the Halberdiers. I don't know why I did that. Why he told me to do that. He will start with 4 combat res, I start with 2! He just say that a ld 7 without reroll can flee easly but I have no way of winning this combat.
Shooting: I finish of the fleing unit and kill 2 from the detachment left. I try to shoot at the Demigryph but do nothing.
Combat: Only 2 of his guy can attack me doing 2 wounds, I do nothing but I stay

Empire Turn 5:

Movement: He charges his demigryph into the WR and I stay.
Combat: He just kill everything and he reform. He kills the eagle to and reform

Wood Elves Turn 6:

Movement: Nothing moves
Shooting: I finish the detachment and I try to shoot the demigryphs but do nothing to them.

Empire Turn 6:

He has nothing to do.

The rules of our fantasy league is that you need to have double points than your opponent to get a victory. He got 650pts and I killed around 1000 points. That means a draw!


I did a lot of mistake that game. I didn't think trought wha[/list]t I was doing. I like this list, and I really like the Deathweaver. But I need to take care of his movement. I could have get a win by not trying to get clother to snipe things. One mistake, but it was huge. I know that people will say that the EG did nothing. Yes, they did nothing again this game exept serve as a bunker for my BSB. I don't know why but people are scared fo them and don't want to get close to them (yes, my forest is always in front of them). But I will keep them. My next opponent should be a Lizardmen player and I heard he will be rushing to me. I want a unit to hold a charge for a turn or 2. Also, before changing this list, I will try to play with it a few more game. I still have a lot to learn with this list, and I need to try diferent opponent. I already know that the Brettonian player is scared of my list, I don't know why!

If you have any advice to make the battle report better, make me play better or any other comment, please don't hesitate to leave a message. Just remember, I am not a native english speaker and it's only my second battle report. Thank for reading.

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