Wednesday, May 27, 2015

WFB Battle Report: 2500 Skaven Vs Bretonnia

Hi everyone,

My friend playing Brettonnia is going to a tournament in France next month and asked me to play against him to practice. So, I made a list that is similar to what I would play if I go to a tournament (tournament where I leave use ETC rule at 2400 points). Hills, Impassible and Building block line of Sight.

Skaven 2500

Grey Seer: Power Scroll, D3 Token (3), 5++ and Skalm
Warlord: Warlitter (I did mine on a 40 x 60 mm), Fellblade, Shield

Chieftan: BSB, Stormbanner
Warlock: Lvl 1, Dispel Scroll
Warlock: Lvl 1, Condeser
Warlock: DoomRocket

40 Slaves: Musicien
40 Slaves: Musicien
40 Slaves: Musicien
28 Clanrats: Shield, Full command
38 StormVermine: Full Command, Razor Standart
Giants Rats
Giants Rats

7 GR: Slings and Poisoned
7 GR: Slings and Poisoned


Spells: 2 lvl1 with Lightning. Seer: Warpgale, Skitter, Plague and Weather

Bretonnia 2500

Lord: Heroic Killing blow, ASF and 1+ reroll
Lvl 4 with Dispel

BSB 1+ Reroll
Paladin +D6 on the first charge
Paladin on Pegas with the flamer lance

11 Knight of the realm
10 Knight of the realm with standart of discipline
10 Bowmen with the fence
10 Bowmen Squirmishers
16 Bowmen Fence and fire

5 Yomen with shields
5 Yomen with shields
5 Pegasus with Banner (No musicien!!!)

6 Grail Knights with flamming banner

Spell: Comets, sig spells and other are not important.

You have some kind of comp in this tournament and his list was 12 points, mine was over 20. Lets check the terrain:

Top, left to right: Hill, Hill, Impassible
Middle, Fences, House, Forest
Down: Impassible, Hill


For Brets: Bowmen, Treb, 10 Knights with lvl4 and BSB, 11 Knights, the Paladin on Peg, 5 peg
                Yomen, Bowmen , Grail Knights with Lord and the other Paladin, Bowmen and Yomen

For Skavens: Doomwheel, Dart, Slaves with the 2 lvl 1, Stormvermine with the Grey Seer and the Fellblade, Bunker in the back, Slaves, Slaves with the DoomRocket, Abo and Dart. One GR deploy in the forest, the second will try to come later.

Turn 1 Skaven

Movement: I move erveything up. Doomwheel goes 13", Abo 4". Stormvermine goes inside the house.
Magic: The 2 lightning goes. The Dispel Scroll Warlock rolls a 1, the other one kills 2 Grail Knights. He dispel Skitter but Warpgale goes off.
Shooting: Do 3 wounds on the Treb, and kill 3 bowmens
Combat: Nothing yet

Turn 1 Bretonnian

Movement: Charge the Doomwheel with the grail knights, charge the GR with the bowmens (no kill during the stand and shoot), and reform one of the unit of KR. Yomen moves up.
Magic: I use my dispel scroll for the Comet and he cast the sig spell on the cannon (4+ to shoot)
Shooting: He hits the Treb on he other Cannon but roll a 1 to Wounds
Combat: The Doomwheel kills a Knight but he Heroic Killing Blow the Doomwheel and reform. Bowmen against GR, DRAW.

Turn 2 Skaven

Movement: We had a rule problem. In the rulebook, it says that a charactere can join a unit inside a building, but it doesn't says a unit can join a charactere inside a building. So we played it like this. The Grey Seer goes out in the Clanrats, and after the Stormvermine goes out of the building. We didn't know what was the ruight way to do that. 
The Dart try to redirect the Grail Knight. And everything continue to move up. The GR arrive.
Magic: Lightning goes off killing a GK. That's it. I try to skitter my Rocket but he is so scared that he keep his dice for this.
Shooting: GR kill the Treb, on Cannon can't shoot because of the spell, and the other one do nothing
Combat: My GR win combat, overrun the bowmen. Now they are in front of the Knights of the Realm but because of the hill, the pegasus paladin can't see them (the map is not 100% right)

Turn 2 Bretonnia

Movement: Knight of the Realm charge the GR, I flee and he try to redirect but fail his charge on the stormvermins (18" away). He moves is Paladin to do his flaming breath on the Stormvermins. The Grail Knight refome to go after my cannon. Pegs just stay put again, scared of the abo.
Magic: He miscast the sig spell killing 4 knights. 
Shooting: He tries and shoot the GR on the left but doesn't do anything. His breath weapon kills 13 SV. 
Combat: Nothing

Turn 3 Skaven

Movement: The Slaves charge the Peg Paladin on the flank (again, the map is not 100% right), tha Dart charges the Yomen on the flank (he didn't see that), and GR charges the Squirmisher Bowmen. Bunker goes inside the building. Abo arrive on top of the hill! GR continue to flee.
Magic: Lightning kills one GK, he dispel Skitterleap and he use is dispel scrool. I have one die left and I decide to use my power scroll and to use a Token. I am just in range to plague his 11 Knights of the Realm but I failed by rolling a double 1 :( 
Shooting: My cannons kill the remaining 2 Grail Knights. 
Combat: He kills a bunch of slaves but I do a wound on him plus all the combat res I win and he flee! Same with the Yomen (I persuit to go out of the bowmen line of sight) and the Bowmen (I reform).

Turn 3 Bretonnia

Movement: He charges his Pegs on the Abo, his Knights of the Realms on the Slaves and reform his Lord and Paladin (they still 1 unit) and bring them on the back of my SV.
Magic: He fails Comet.
Shooting: Does nothing
Combat: Win combat and reform so I can't charge him on the flank with the SV. Abo and Pegs just draw. (No musicien!!)

Turn 4 Skaven

Movement: Charge the SV and the Slaves on the Knights of the Realm. Charge the GR on the rear of the bowmen. Rally the GR and reform the other slaves.
Magic: I was a really small magic phase but I use to my two last token to cast Weather on the 2 charactere taking a wound in the process.
Shooting: One Cannon kills the Peg Paladin, the other one kills the Lord and the Paladin.
Combat: I win by a bunch (my fellblade failed and only do 2 combat res in chanllenge) He flee and I persuit with the 2 slaves but he goes away. The GR kills 2 bowmen, they kill 2 GR and they stay and reform. I kill a few Pegs but they stay.

Turn 4 Bretonnia

Movement: He rally and reform. 
Magic: Dispel evrything
Shooting: Nothing
Combat: He kills my GR!!!!

Turn 5 Skaven

Movement: I charge the KR, they flee 1" from the table edge. I redirect on his bunker and made it. 
Magic: Try to kill his fleeing knights
Shooting: I try to finsih his fleeing knights but only manage to kill one
Combat: I win by a lot and he flee out of the table. Abo kills another Peg. 

We decide to stop at this moment. Its a big victory for the Skaven. I don't feel that I have been lucky neither unlucky. It was an average game. Also, he is the opponent I was playing when I started Warhammer. He was winning a lot. But now, it's the contrary. Last game, I tabled him turn 3. Anyway, I will have another game against him this sunday. I will try another list with a Bonebreaker. This list is based on the list that win the GT this year. I am really curiouse on how to play with a slave bunker and one less unit. I will do another battle report next week.

Thanks for reading and if you have any comment like mistake I did or my oponent (he really wants to know) don't hesitate. 

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